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Governing project-based organisations

Governance is often thought of as compliance with strict procedures reflected in rigid documentation and pervasive oversight. And when projects go wrong, as they ofen do, the reaction can be towards greater compliance and more detailed control. But governance that relies on compliance is badly designed.

We see governace as a behavioural rather than compliance problem.

While there are many sources of unwanted behaviour, such as personality, or thinking style, we focus on the situational sources of poor behaviour and re-design structures to clear the path for strategy delivery.


Original thinking on governing project-based organisations published in leading academic journals.

Changing Culture in Engineering-based Organisations

Cultural Change

Changing Culture in Engineering-based Organisations

The stereotype is that engineers can’t do culture change, or at least are worse than most...

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Leadership Decision Making

How the Political Elite Make Decisions

We like to think that leadership decision making is or should be rational, but it’s not …

Forthcoming publication


Short thought pieces on behaviour in project-based organisations.